- Anti-aging
- Botox
- Lips and Filling Wrinkles
- Peeling
- Amelanchier
Anti-aging is a group of treatments that will not stop you from aging, but will help you to age maintaining your life quality.
With age, we lose hormone, amino acid, and vitamin levels, substances that make us feel well. If we maintain the levels of these substances, we will maintain our life quality.
With anti-aging we try to slow down the oxidation processes that make the body degrade and lose vitality.
Treatment can be started once the patient already shows a lack of these substances, in order to compensate natural deficiencies, when aging signs have already appeared.
But it is more convenient to start before these signs have appeared, in order to delay the appearance of the more important ones.
This technique consists in injecting directly in the dermis and the epidermis, substances that hydrate, tone, and revitalize the skin. The treatment is performed once a month at the beginning, less often then with time.

Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the neurotoxin Clostridium Botullinum, that after being purified and in minimal dosage is used to produce a selective relaxation of the facial muscles, which are the cause of the facial wrinkles. This function allows improving only the desired wrinkles. It is also a reversible action. Therefore it can be considered a temporal muscle relaxant.
How does Botox work?
The Botulinum toxin is injected in the spots where we want to eliminate the wrinkles, and produces the relaxation of the muscles located only in that area.
As the rest of the facial muscles have not been treated, it contracts normally, and facial expressivity is not altered.
Selective blocking of the desired musculature can also achieve an improvement of the position and form of the eyebrow, obtaining similar effects than a frontal lifting without surgery, as, on one side, frontal wrinkles are eliminated, and, on the other side, the fall of the external side of the eyebrow is elevated.
How long do the effects of Botox last?
Until 4-7 days after the infiltration the effects of the treatment cannot be appreciated.
The duration of the first infiltration is of between 4 and 6 months.
However, with the following infiltrations the duration is longer each time. Definitive results can be obtained eventually.
Can the use of a toxin like Botox be dangerous for your health?
The toxic dosage needed to affect a human is much larger than the one used in the treatment of the wrinkles, there is therefore no danger of toxicity in healthy people.
In other diseases where Botox is used the dosages are much higher than the dosage used to treat the wrinkles.
What wrinkles are best treated with Botox?
The best results are obtained when treating with Botox the wrinkles of the upper third of the face, crow`s feet, wrinkles on the forehead and frown lines. We can also elevate the slope at the end of the eyebrow, providing a rejuvenating effect.
Good results are also obtained with wrinkles in lips and neck.
Is Botox allowed in Spain?
The use of Botulinum toxin for aesthetic purposes is already allowed by the Spanish authorities.
It can only be performed at a medical center and it must be infiltrated by an authorized specialist.
The use of Botulinum toxin for the treatment of wrinkles has also been approved by the FDA of the United States (medicament control organism in the USA) one of the strictest organisms in the world on the approval of medicaments.
How to improve or correct wrinkles or very pronounced facial lines is one of the most demanded consultations.
Injectable dermal filler is the most commonly used method. There are many types that can be used.
Wrinkle removal has suffered a fast evolution to safer and more stable materials. Hyaluronic acids of last generation are products that have suffered great modifications along their history, which have converted them in safe substances that provide good results. At our clinic, hyaluronic acid of last generation is employed, with duration of between 9 and 12 months depending on the area. Of course, it is a product approved by the Health Ministry and the European Community, used in thousands of treatments over the years.
Once your case has been studied, and depending on the deepness and location of the wrinkles the most appropriate filler material is selected.
The method is simple; it consists on filling the wrinkles in different zones until the wrinkle is corrected.
Both the inferior and superior lips are the most demanded areas for an increase of volume, and results in this location are very satisfactory.
It is also employed for:
- Forehead
- Frown lines
- Cheek lines
- Lines under inferior lip
- Fine wrinkles in general
They are practically immediate, definitive results are obtained in 48 hours.
The duration of the effects vary depending on the substance employed, but we must indicate that none of the substances employed have long life results, having to repeat the treatment after 9 to 12 months.
Substances that have been employed as definitive (silicones, methacrylate, etc…) have generated a lot of problems, not being absorbable substances have caused serious problems of intolerance, granulomas to strange body, etc… therefore we recommend not to employ long duration filler substances.
Peeling consists on the elimination of different layers of the epidermis favoring the regeneration of the skin. The number of layers eliminated depends on the type of peeling performed light, medium or deep. It can also be physical or chemical, and depending on the agent applied different benefits are obtained, like the increase of collagen, reduction of skin pigmentation or control over the fat and bacteria on acne scars. However, it can be used to maintain a healthy, radiant flawless skin. A combination of alphahydroxy acids and beta hydroxyl acids are used. The election of these substances will depend on the objective of the treatment (skin pigmentation, acne scars or wrinkles). In any case, the quality of the skin will be improved and the production of collagen and elastin increased.
This type of peel is used to reduce acne scars or fine wrinkles. It also provides an even pigmentation to the skin and younger and healthier appearance. Light peeling also helps control acne, folliculitis and sebaceous secretions, and leaves the skin in the best conditions to receive any type of dermatologic treatment.
It is indicated in case of toxic or sun damaged skin, as it acts against fine wrinkles and medium deep wrinkles, and to control actinic spots. It is also used as previous step or complementary to other medical treatments, like micro denervation, lifting or fillings.
With amazing results, deep peeling acts against deep, medium and light wrinkles, eliminates actinic spots and keratosis. It also produces the retraction of the skin, which greatly improves loose skin problems. The depth of the peeling will determine the recovery of the skin, which can vary from a few hours to five days. In the case of deep peelings, one single session is applied, it requires deep sedation or even anesthesia and recovery takes longer. The patient will need between 5 to 10 days to be able to put on make-up and return to work. The periodicity of the peel will also depend of the objective of the treatment and the substance employed. In those peelings directed to provide luminosity to the skin between four and eight sessions in one or two weeks are needed. When the intervention is deep, sessions are more distanced in time and the complete treatment is repeated once a year. If the peeling is very deep it is usually not repeated in years. After the treatment hygiene is very important, solar protection and avoiding direct exposure to the sun is also very important. There is a personalized treatment for each patient, from the use of creams to dietetic complements, in order to solve the specific problem his skin presents.
Actin aging of the skin, consequence of sun damage, pigmentation, and, in general, all melanin related imperfections are usual problems nowadays. Amelan has a direct effect on the intimate formation process of the pigment (melanin), allowing patients to eliminate marks and rejuvenating and restoring the skin`s smoothness and luminosity.
Following you will find complete and detailed information about one of the more efficient treatments against melanin related skin marks= The Amelan treatment by Krulig.
After thepatient has informed us about his pigmentation problem, we must enquire about previous treatments performed in the affected area, especially treatment involving glycolicacid. In this case, the use of this product must be interrupted, at least a week before beginning with the Amelan by Krulig treatment.
After this previous information, we will proceed to examine the skin mark, using the Wood light, determining the photo type of the patient`s skin (I,II,III,IV,V) and observing any possible irritation of the skin.
Finally, melisma, chloasma, lentigo or a not melanin related mark will be diagnosed (In this last case, results of Amelan by Krulig treatment are less effective).
Amelan Treatment – Characteristics
Amelan is the result of several years of investigation by Dr. Eduardo Krulig, plastic surgeon from Venezuela, in the field of hyperpigmentation and melanin related imperfections. Amelan by Krulig is the only treatment that guarantees de disappearance of all melanin related marks, no matter its location, in less than 20 days.
The Amelan by Krulig treatment is a very versatile dynamic process, adaptable to the necessities of each patient, which requires, therefore, different measures for different types of skin.
Its main action is the elimination of melanin marks in the face (melisma and chloasma).
The Amelan by Krulig treatment presents a series of important advantages and benefits, in relation to other types of pigmentation treatments out in the market.
- Amelan by Krulig is a fast depigmentation treatment that has no peeling effect
- It is very effective, for all types of melisma
- It can be performed any time of the year
- It is compatible with all kinds of skin
- It allows sunbathing without reappearance of the mark
- It is totally safe
The marks treated with Amelan by Krulig disappear completely in such a way, that, even though the patient may still be able to “place” its location, it is also true that no skin pigmentation is visible and nobody will easily notice any remains of the treated mark. In the case of smaller and more concentrated marks, like solar moles and actinic keratosis, the results of Amelan by Krulig treatment are not as effective, even though they do improve these pathologies.
The treatment has a higher grade of effectiveness with patients who suffer melisma and clams with mixed and fat skin, with photo type II-IV. The effects on these patients are spectacular:
- The mark can disappear in a week
- Minimal side effects (slight erythema and minimal desquamation)
- A regulation of the sebaceous secretion is observed
- The skin appears luminous, rejuvenated and free of marks or spots, in less than 10 days.
During the first visit, and always before starting the treatment, it is important to inform the patient with detail, explaining to him the details of the procedure, the evolution process and its phases. We will also inform you of the necessity of continuing the treatment at home, as a second phase of the process.